
Cows Milk - Summary of Dr. Kradjian

Cows Milk

This article was sent to me from a friend, and is a very interesting read. I summarized it, and if you would like to read more please visit http://www.notmilk.com/kradjian.html. The article is written by Robert M. Kradjian, MD and breast surgeon.

Milk was a very first food and is surrounded with emotions, especially if it was our mother’s milk. Our nations is full of milk drinkers, and of all ages from infants to elders. The question that is being asked is who is the right person to listen to while trying to decide is milk is appropriate for human consumption. The following study is a study of nature. Of the 500 out of 1500 aricles that were read (the ones being discarded upon relevance) it was found that none of the authors found milk as an excellent food and was linked with “intestinal colic, intestinal irritation, intestinal bleeding, anemia, allergic reactions in infants and children as well as infections such as salmonella. More ominous is the fear of viral infection with bovine leukemia virus or an AIDS-like virus as well as concern for childhood diabetes. Contamination of milk by blood and white (pus) cells as well as a variety of chemicals and insecticides was also discussed. Among children the problems were allergy, ear and tonsillar infections, bedwetting, asthma, intestinal bleeding, colic and childhood diabetes. In adults the problems seemed centered more around heart disease and arthritis, allergy, sinusitis, and the more serious questions of leukemia, lymphoma and cancer.”

Milk is a maternal section that is short term as a source of food for new-born infants and once old enough is weaned off of milk to whole foods. We are the only species on the planet that drinks other mammals milk. Pups drink dogs milk, calves drink cows milk, kittens drink cats milk, etc. Every mammals milk is different and has different components. The different componets, such as how much essential fatty acids, or protiens is baised on what is required from the mammal. A calve needs nutrition that will allow it to grow massive skeletal or muscle while human infants need nutriton to develop their brains, spinal cords and nerves.

Cows milk is not pure like it used to be 50 years ago. Cows would produce 2,000 pounds of milk a year and now are producing 50,000 pounds a year. This is possible due to drugs, antibiotics, hormones, forced feeding plans, etc. Mammals excrete toxins through the milk. Pesticides are stored in the fatty tissues, therefore for woman have pesticides that they are lacting. It was found that vegetarian mothers have half the levels of contamination.

There seems to be a large correlation between juvinelle diabetes and cows milk (for mor information go to the exact article, there are many studies that talk about this). As well as leukemia, lymphoma, lung cancer and ovarian cancer are highly correlated with milk consumption.

Milk is highly recommended to be drank due to it is a “good source of calcium” and “good source of amino acids.” However, excessive amounts of dairy products interfere with calcium absorption. The high amounts of protiens that cows milk provides actually causes osteoporotic problems. Countires with the highest amount of intake of dairy products (ie US) have significantly high cases of osteoporosis.

“For the key to the osteoporosis riddle, don’t look at calcium, look at protein. Consider these two contrasting groups. Eskimos have an exceptionally high protein intake estimated at 25 percent of total calories. They also have a high calcium intake at 2,500 mg/day. Their osteoporosis is among the worst in the world. The other instructive group are the Bantus of South Africa. They have a 12 percent protein diet, mostly p lant protein, and only 200 to 350 mg/day of calcium, about half our women's intake. The women have virtually no osteoporosis despite bearing six or more children and nursing them for prolonged periods! When African women immigrate to the United States, do they develop osteoporosis? The answer is yes, but not quite are much as Caucasian or Asian women. Thus, there is a genetic difference that is modified by diet. “

So where do we get our Calcium, if it isn’t from milk? We can get it through green leafy vegetables that grow in the ground. Horses are not drinking cows milk that they have strong bones.

The current recommendation for protein is .75g/kilo/day for adults that are between the ages of 19 and 51 (note that says Kilos no per pound).

Lacose (milk sugar) needs to have the enzyme lactase and humans only produce lactase within the first few years of life and the mechanism actually gets turned off as we get older, which is why many adults are lactose intolerant.

He summarizes by this “So don't drink milk for health. I am convinced on the weight of the scientific evidence that it does not "do a body good." Inclusion of milk will only reduce your diet's nutritional value and safety."

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