
Fasting and Detoxification (via The Goldberg Clinic for Chronic Disease Reversal)

Fasting / Detoxification is an important initial step taken with many, though not all of our patients. This is a period of time, differing with each person, to allow the body to rest and undergo a period of cellular detoxification. This initial step is often critical to the success of a patients health recovery program.

Easier to Give Up Addictions

Patients commonly find that in addition to accelerating their recovery process, detoxification/fasting is an excellent way to begin the process of breaking addictions to toxic habits such as tobacco, alcohol, junk food, coffee, etc. Giving up such unhealthy habits can be very difficult unless the body is first purified.

Once the body has been given the opportunity to undergo a period of extended rest and detoxification most people find their old toxic cravings to have vanished. They discover (often to their surprise) that old toxic cravings are gone and that they now find themselves desiring the healthy bounties of nature such as raw, juicy, fresh fruits, crisp flavorful vegetables, raw nuts, pure water, etc. Sleep becomes deep and restful, the mind becomes clear, thoughts become more peaceful and many experience an overall calm.

Rejuvenation and Repair

Detoxification permits years of accumulated metabolic wastes in the cells to begin to be eliminated, and allows the gastrointestinal, immune, and other systems a chance to rest and repair.

Good nutrition and good health cannot be achieved simply by putting foods, even "natural foods" into our mouths. Our bodies must be able to digest, absorb, and assimilate the nutrients to the cellular level and to efficiently dispose of the waste products produced in the metabolic processes.

When wastes have accumulated faster than the body can rid itself of them, the cells can no longer utilize nutrients efficiently and become compromised in their ability to stay healthy.

This is evidenced by such symptoms as fatigue, indigestion, sluggish bowels, diarrhea, headaches, menstrual problems, depression, skin disorders, musculoskeletal aches and pains, and eventually by degenerative diseases such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, colitis, allergies, etc.

Dramatic Improvements

A period of total abstinence from food, taking water only (fasting), or being on a liquid diet or eliminative diet of some type, when properly supervised and executed allows the body the opportunity to catch up on its housecleaning chores and discard cellular wastes.

After this is accomplished, the cells work much more efficiently and are better able to utilize the nutrients ingested. Many patients experience dramatic improvements in the way they feel after just a few days, and "hunger pains" generally disappear between days two to four.

Note: Not all patients at our clinic fast. This is an individual choice made in consultation with each patient. In some cases fasting is contra-indicated and there are better options for the patient to take. All fasting is conducted on an out patient basis or at The Retreat at Brooks.

The Fasting/Detoxification Process

Energy Conservation

The major objective of fasting/detoxification is to allow for the body to regain its energy reserves. It is therefore important to rest as much as possible during the detoxification period. The more energy expended through work, exercise, or other forms of physical exertion, the less benefits one receives. Rest is essential!


During fasting/detoxification there may be discomforts as the body unloads wastes from junk foods, drugs, overeating, bad emotions, polluted air and water, pesticides in the foods, and metabolic wastes the body had not been able to discard previously.

Withdrawal symptoms from coffee and other drugs may occur as well as from sugar and foods that one is allergic to. Common symptoms include restlessness, headache, nausea, and a temporary worsening of whatever prior symptoms the patient had as the body directs its energies towards correcting those problems.

Please read Bumps on the Journey by Dr. Goldberg to understand this in greater detail.

During the fasting process Drs. Goldberg and Tener check patients on a daily basis if the fast is conducted beyond three days. Rest is essential during the fasting period. See below.

After Detoxification

After Drs. Goldberg and Tener decide to terminate the fast or liquid diet, patients are given a transition program to follow. This is an important time and directions should be carefully followed. The benefits of a fast can be ruined if the transition period is not adhered to.

Patients are then given a health program to follow which will include personalized recommendations for them to follow including dietary measures, sleep, rest, exercise, sunlight, water, supplements (as required) and other particulars in light of the patients condition, examination and lab findings.

For more information: Fasting and Chronic Disease Reversal

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