
Why eat organic???

Eating organic has many benefits. It is not only just about avoiding the ingestion of pesticides or that they are more expensive so it must be better for you. In Atalanta we are blessed with the Dekalb farmers market and having the ability to have access to organic food which is you can get for a decent price. Here are some reasons as to why to eat organic:

**Organic food is higher in nutrients, such as Vitamin C, antioxidant, Calcium, iron, chromium and magnesium

**Free or neurotoxins - these are toxins which damage the brain and nerve cells. The nervous system is the control center for the entire body. A common pesticide used is organophosphates which was used in WWI and was developed as a toxic nerve agent.

**Supportive for children's brain development and nervous system. Children while growing are more susceptible to toxins than adults

**Helps reduce pollution of drinking water. This is especially important as the population of the earth is increasing we are loosing fresh clean drinking water.

**Food is earth supportive


**Supports wild life

**Reduce cancer risk

**Organic food is tried and tested
. By some estimates genetically-modified food
makes up 80% of the average person’s food consumption. Genetic modification of food is still experimental. Avoid being part of this wide scale and uncontrolled experiment.

It is tougher to find organic products for decent price in some areas in the united states, but by eating foods that are in season will be somewhat cheaper.

Top foods that should be eaten organic:
Strawberries, peaches, blueberries, milk, meat, spinach, kale... Go to this website and see what other foods should be eaten organically


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