
Dave Speech

Dave gave an excellent speech at the Natural Hygiene Club that we have on campus. This is only the first portion of the video, there will be more to come. It is also not the best quality, we hope to do a up grade so stick with us.


Brian said...

Dave, this was a fantastic talk! It really drove home the idea of where true health comes from. Keep up the great work. You are definitely an inspiration for all of us. I know I have given this talk a few times since the last time we spoke, and while it keeps changing to fit my personality, EVERYONE gets it! Can't wait for the next Vita-Hygiene meeting!

~Brian W.

jim igo said...

Just an fyi there is a blood test called MRT or metabolic type testing that will also expose much of what instinct may or may not determine in regards to metabolic type. My MRT results indicated a balanced autonomic, mixed oxydative, thyroid endocrine, balance dominant type. Roughly translated this is 33% sympathetic, 46% balanced, & 19% parasympathetic. Oxidizers: slow ox. 38%, mixed ox. 30%, fast ox. 30%
End result my macro-nutrient ratio is carb.45%, protein 35%, fat 20%, not the 80-10-10 I had hoped for as a long term rawfoodist.

Just, James

Just James